Resume Matteo Tosi
Physical Characteristics
Height 6' 1" (1,85m)
Hair Brown
Eyes Green
Physique Average
Voice Type Baritone
Italian (Native Language)
Italian dialects (Venetian, Bologna, Milanese)
Folk dances (Valzer, Mazurka, Tango)
Io e mia figlia - Role Antonio - Director Ruggero Deodato
Wrath of the crows - Role Soldier/Priest - Director Ivan Zuccon
Midway. Tra la vita e la morte - Role Alex Vinci - Director John Real
Le lacrime di san Lorenzo - Role Mandelli - Director Giampiero Caira
L'uomo del grano - Role Luigi Troini - Director Giancarlo Baudena
Colour from the dark - Role Father Mario - Director Ivan Zuccon
Bad Brains - Role Mirco - Director Ivan Zuccon
The Wind in the Evening - Role Dott. Giusti - Director Andrea Adriatico
A domani - Role Ferrari driver - Director Gianni Zanasi
Film Tv
Dolce Amore - Role Silvio De Luca - Directed by Mae Cruz -lviar - Richard I. Arellano
L'intepido Wilson (Web Series) - Role Acab - Directed by Jack Carlo Trevisan. Pre-prod.
Incantesimo 10 (TV Series) – Role Giulio Solari - Directed by different directors
Crimini (TV Series) – Role Night Club Manager - Directed by Manetti (episode "Rapidamente")
L'ispettore Coliandro (TV Series) – Role Draghetti - Directed by Manetti (episode "Vendetta Cinese")
Carabinieri (TV Series) – Role Daniele - Directed by Rossella Izzo (episode "Matrimoni")
Nordest - Role Tancredi - Directed by Sergio Serafini
Short Film
Oltre - Directed by Giancarlo Marinelli
Ritorno al lago materno - Directed by Giancarlo Marinelli
Intrigo emozionale - Directed by Andrea Sivini
Diciotto e due figure - Directed by Massimo Ivan Falsetta
Natale in Autogrill - Directed by Fred Kuwornu
Segale Directed- by Morgan Emme
Opera Palladio Cinemusical by MatteoTosi - Directed by Matteo Tosi and Simonetta Rovere
My Damnation Readings from "Diario alla fidanzata" by Italo Svevo - Directed by Matteo Tosi
Gioco d’Identitàì by Michela Zanarella - Directed by Michela Zanarella and Giuseppe Lorin
La Favola mia Musical Tribute to Renato Zero. Directed by Simonetta Rovere and Matteo Tosi
La corte dei miracoli Musical. Directed by Simonetta Rovere and Matteo Tosi
Paris from Novecento by Alessandro Baricco - Directed by Matteo Tosi
Chi lo sa è bravo” by Ferdinando De Laurentis - Directed by Ferdinando De Laurentis
Ecogle by Alberto Rizzi - Directed by Alberto Rizzi
Ma non c’è più nessuno normale in Italia? by Ferdinando De Laurentis - Directed by Ferdinando De Laurentis
La morte di Clorinda Freely adapted from "Gerusalemme Liberata" Directed by Roberto Garagnani
Dal silenzio alla parola Performance Dance Theatre - Directed by Massimo Machiavelli
Ubu Incatenato by Alfred Jarry - Directed by Massimo Machiavelli
"Sulle orme di Gesù" - Telechiara Tv Readings from jerusalem
Over Voice Video "Motorino Garelli Madison"
Over Voice "A est di dove?"
Video Clip "Giulietta" by Mango
Video Clip "Ogni volta" by Antonello Venditti
Video Clip "Per colpa di chi" by Zucchero
Giglio d'oro Award (2015)
Mare Salina Festival – Award Salina festival” (2013)
Eurofestival Italy – Special Award for the project "Opera Palladio" (2011)
Messina Film Festival - Adolfo Celi Award (2009)
Training & Workshops
Education - Degree in Music and Performing Arts - Bologna University
Education - Degree in Acting - School of Theatre and Film
Workshop - International Acting "Stasberg Method " directed by Jhon Strasberg - Actor's Studio New York
Workshop - Method Acting Stanislavski-Strasberg directed by Ilza Prestinari. IMAIE study
Workshop - Theatre Workshop "From silence" directed by Massimo Machiavelli
Workshop - Singing Course "Techniques and voice setting" directed by Iskra Menarini
Workshop - "Academy of Sanremo song" Artistic-professional Seminar